

StarID is a unique 明尼苏达州 system username which can be used at any college or university within the system. Concurrent students and teachers can use it to access 明尼苏达州 system and M State resources, 包括网上的 图书馆数据库、D2L和WebWorks.


步骤1:明尼苏达州StarID网站. 点击“激活StarID”和“个人电子邮件地址”.“同时授课的教师将使用他们的学校邮箱来激活他们的StarID. 学生 must use the same personal email they entered on their application to M State. 电邮至 并发@bigjonbear.com at least one week prior to activating StarIDs if you would like a list of student emails for your class.

步骤2: 验证码将发送到输入的电子邮件地址. 此码仅一小时有效,且只能使用一次.

步骤3: 复制并粘贴代码,或在 明尼苏达州立大学 网站. 点击“激活StarID”和“验证码”.“将生成一个StarID.

步骤4: 创建新密码. 密码必须至少包含以下三种字符中的一种:大写字母, 小写字母, 数字, 特殊字符.



网站Brightspace M State的在线课程管理系统是什么.


  1. 登录 上面有你的账号和密码.
  2. In the upper right click on "select a course" (box/grid icon) to expand the drop-down list.
  3. 选择您想要访问的课程名称. It is helpful to pin active courses to the top of the list by clicking on the pin icon to the right of the course title.


  1. 在“通信”下拉菜单下检查您的课程列表是否准确.
  2. 电子邮件 克里斯塔.price@bigjonbear.com the names and IDs of students who need to be dropped or added to the class prior to the 删除和撤回截止日期.


Access to the D2L dropbox is automatically set to end in accordance with M State's academic schedule. 因为大多数高中的上课时间都比大学长, 您可能需要手动更改课程结束日期,方法如下:

  1. 点击“课程管理”
  2. 选择“网站设置”标题下的“课程提供信息”
  3. 滚动到页面中间并更改结束日期
  4. 保存


  1. 学生需要激活他们的StarID. 路线可以在 同时招生学生 网页.
  2. 学生将登录到 SpartanNet 还有他们的账号和密码.
  3. Click on the "网站Brightspace" button on the left and then select the course listed under "My Courses."



M州立教学中心, Learning and Technology (CTLT) is your resource for help on best practices and current trends in teaching, as well as support for all the ways M State makes it possible for students to learn including curriculum delivery resources, 技术和教学工具. 更多信息,请拨打218.299.6533或电邮 ctlt@bigjonbear.com.


Turnitin 是一个在线工具,支持M State的 学术诚信政策.

CEP讲师推荐书: 因为使用 turnitin.com, my life as a college English instructor has become a little less stressful and demanding. Using this service has made grading college essays a more enjoyable experience. 我再也不用检查抄袭的材料了, and I can spend more time making comments on student writing (I'm able to focus more on what's important). 我的学生也很喜欢. They are able to self-monitor and using this service is making them more responsible and accountable writers. I hope we have this service for future classes--it's a highly-effective tool for all who use it. 谢谢你在高中向我们敞开心扉.

重要:M州购买Turnitin服务的许可证, 因此它只能用于大发彩票平台的并发课程.


1. 电子邮件 梅根.adamczyk@bigjonbear.com 按照你的要求

2. A confirmation email from Turnitin will be sent to you with further instructions after your account has been created

3. 看 Turnitin网络培训

Note: We strongly recommend a policy is incorporated in your syllabus describing your plans to use this service.



  • M州立图书馆资源. 学生 will need to activate their StarIDs for access (See StarID instructions at the top of this page). 登入后,会出现以下选项:
  • 传统的PALS - M州的在线图书馆目录.
  • MnPALS Plus——一个开源的“发现工具”, or group of applications working together between the user and the integrated library system to find resources.
  • 网络图书馆-电子期刊数据库. When you choose a database, be sure to select "Full Text" so the entire article will print.

如果你对图书馆资源有疑问, or would like to schedule a time for your class to visit an M State campus library, 联系 并发@bigjonbear.com. 如果学生因登录失败次数过多而被锁定,请联系 kari.oanes@bigjonbear.com.

  • 明尼苏达州电子图书馆(ELM). 明尼苏达州居民对杂志的在线访问, 期刊, 报纸, 百科全书文章, 电子书和其他信息资源在一个庞大的主题阵列. ELM is funded by state and federal tax dollars and the current license covers K-12 media centers. 要访问数据库,需要明尼苏达州公共图书馆的条形码.
  • 问MN. This cooperative of Minnesota libraries is a live interactive chat service that allows Minnesota residents and students to converse with a librarian in real time. The bar code from a Minnesota public library card will need to be entered to access this service.
  • 美国国会图书馆. The nation's oldest federal cultural institution and largest library in the world has millions of books, 录音, 照片, 馆藏的地图和手稿.


MediaSpace是一个基于云的web服务 创作 which facilitates the conversion and distribution of various audio and video media formats. 教师, staff and students may upload media content to the MediaSpace server which automatically converts and optimizes your media for hassle-free distribution on the web. 一次上传, MediaSpace will provide links and embed code that you can use to share your media with others. 这项服务免费提供给MnSCU社区.

登录到 媒体空间 上面有你的账号和密码.


  • 学习指南及策略. 允许自由地复制, 适应, and distribute individual Study Guides in print format in non-commercial educational settings that benefit learners.
  • 扫盲工作. 这个网站提供动态资源来提高读写能力.


  • 海马体. The goal of this site is to provide high-quality, multimedia content on general education subjects. 探索超过5700个免费视频在13个主题领域. 教师可以创建一个免费帐户,为学生定制播放列表.
  • 可汗学院. The 可汗学院 is a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing free world-class education for anyone, 在任何地方.
  • 教育出版社. Create free educational worksheets such as flashcards, game boards and quizzes.
  • Quizlet. 简单的工具,让用户学习任何东西,免费的. 学生通过六种不同的学习模式来定义他们需要学习的内容. 他们甚至可以和朋友一起学习或加入一个教室.


  • JCE化学教育交流. ChemEd X hopes to strengthen the community of chemistry educators by providing learning resources and forums for discussion and collaboration through their 网站. 可能需要付费订阅才能访问本网站上的某些资源.


  • 引用机器. Its goal is to make it easy for student researchers to cite information sources. Create free citations by using the search tool based on the type of resource used. 复制并粘贴一篇文章到EssayCheck免费评分. 得分基于七个方面:组织, 约定, 句子结构, 思想的发展, 词的选择, 风格,语法和拼写.
  • 普渡大学在线写作实验室(OWL). Free resources for non-Purdue college level instructors and students on the writing process, 修辞与逻辑, 文章的体裁、风格和语言.


  • 网络系统. This online homework system for math and science courses is supported by the 数学ematical Association of America (MAA) and National Science Foundation (NSF). M State的教师和学生可以免费访问此资源. 联系 凯蒂.tysdal@bigjonbear.com,以申请帐户. 下载下面的网络系统说明. *学生 will need to activate their StarID to log in (see StarID instructions on the top of this page).
  • 不溶. 不溶认为,学习的关键在于实践, and the key to achieve this vision is through their next generation online graphing calculator. 它是直观的,漂亮的数学,最重要的是,它是完全免费的.
  • Hotmath. 这是一个链接到免费教程的TI-84. 本网站的其他功能可能需要年订阅费.
  • Calculus-help. 为世界各地的学生和教师免费提供微积分教程.
  • Edfinity
  • 图形计算器教程
  • 可汗学院视频. 可汗学院 is a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing free world-class education to anyone 在任何地方.
  • My数学test. 测试和安置工具,评估学生的优势和知识差距. 设计测试和复习课程. There is a low-cost 16-week subscription for students to register to practice and review skills.
  • 紫色的数学. 这个网站有很多免费的数学资源. 站点上的一些资源链接,如数学帮助.Com,需要付费订阅.
  • 明尼苏达大学OER教材网站